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A. narwhal的基本情况(包括栖息地、外形、名字的由来、和人类社会的关系)

A. The narwhal is anendangered type of whale found in the frigid waters of the Arctic, extendingfrom Canada through the Norwegian waters to Russia. Narwhal means "corpsewhale", and it has earned its name because of its mottled dark greycolour. Narwhals are regularly harvested for meat and ivory in northern Canadaand Greenland. Narwhals share physical characteristics with Beluga whales,having similar shape and size. Both species lack dorsal fins, have short beaks,rounded heads and a thick layer of blubber to adapt to glacial conditions.


endangered 濒临灭绝的 adj.

corpse 尸体 n.

harvest 捕猎收获 n. & v.

ivory 象牙制品 n.

physical characteristic 身体特征

B. narwhal在外形上最大的特征

B. The narwhals’distinctive characteristic lies in the presence of a long 2.5 meter spirallingtusk that protrudes from the males' foreheads, resembling a unicorn. Thehorn-like formation, however, is a long left tooth. The right tooth remainsembedded in the skull and measures roughly 30 centimeters. Female tusks have amore regularly defined morphology. They are much shorter, straighter, and donot collect as much algae on the surface, thus appearing whiter.
这段读起来难度较大出现了大量的动物类专有名词但是在考场上看到这种文章不必太过惊慌,因为思培考察的仍然是最基本的单词认知。比如在这段中,需要知道distinctivecharacteristic 这个常见短语的意思,即“显著特征”。知道了这个短语,整段的大意就了解了。对于基础较好的考生,如果知道tusk(獠牙)这个本段反复出现的关键词,则本段的关键信息也已经掌握。

C. 从传说和学术两个角度,来解释上一段提到的体貌特征的形成原因
C. For hundreds of yearsthe purpose of the tusk on the "unicorn whale" has puzzled scientistsand local aboriginal elders alike. A northern aboriginal legend explains thenarwhal's tusk was created when a woman shooting with a harpoon rope wasdragged into the ocean after the harpoon had struck a large narwhal whale. Shethen was transformed into a narwhal herself, and her hair, which was long andtwisted, became the characteristic of the spiral tusk. In academic circles, thetusk remains an evolutionary mystery that defies many of the known principlesof mammalian teeth. Preliminary studies suggest the tusk enables whales todetermine salinity levels and allows them to detect food in their environment.


puzzle 使迷惑使困惑 v.

aboriginal 原住民的 adj. 原住民 n.

legend 传说 n.

evolutionary 进化的 adj.

mystery 神秘事物秘密 n.

defy 挑战不服从 v. & n.

principle 原则原理 n.

D. narwhal的行为特征
D. Narwhal behaviour alsointrigues researchers. Males frequently engage in episodes of rubbing theirtusks together, or “tusking,” for as-yet unknown reasons. The same behaviour isnot observed in the female counterparts or between females and males. Somestudies theorize about the possibility of these being mating behaviours aimedat displaying genetic superiority. Support for such a theory, however, hasproved scarce since unlike other mammalian species the behaviour is notaggressive. Narwhals are a migratory species. In an attempt to learn abouttheir migration patterns and social behavior, their populations are beingobserved and recorded through satellite tracking conducted by scientists inCanada and Greenland.

Intrigue 激起…的好奇心

engage in 从事参与忙于

rub 摩擦 v. & n.

mating 交配 n.

genetic superiority 基因的优越性

scarce 缺乏的罕见的 adj.

aggressive 有进攻性的有侵略性的 adj.

migratory  迁徙的迁移的 adj.

satellite 卫星 n.



CELPIP. "Free Sample Test- G (online)." CELPIP-Canadian English Language Test. Web. Retrieved from https://secure.paragontesting.ca/InstructionalProducts/FreeOnlineSampleTest/FOST/View/6c928a4c-35c5-44c3-9aa9-72bec7f78e61. June9, 2017.

By CeciliaLv 温哥华环球雅思





Richmond 地址: 4000 No.3 Rd., Unit 3190, Richmond, BC V6X 0J8 电话: 604-285-2928, 778-986-7029 具体位置: No.3 & Cambie (Aberdeen Square三楼) 地图查询

Burnaby 地址: 4800 Kingsway, Unit 468, Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 电话: 604-336-6768, 778-986-7029 具体位置: Metrotown商场内Office Galleria(大统华门口电梯直达四楼) 地图查询