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下周很多同鞋就要参加省考了,在考试之前老师想和大家分享几个适用于comparing & contrasting essay 的模板。
Comparison/Contrast Template
1.The differences (similarities) between ____ and ___ are striking, and they deserve ____ + ______
Eg: The differences between college and high school are pronounces, and they deserve thorough investigation.
2.Despite bearing some (superficial) similarities, the differences between _____ and ____ are remarkable.
Eg: Despite bearing some minor similarities, the differences between A and B are pronounced.
3.While some differences between ____ and ____ are evident, the similarities are pronounced.
Eg: While some differences between Japan and the United States are evident, the similarities are salient.
4.The notion that ______ is ______ is a _______ one, and one that I believe in.
Eg: The notion that democracy is the best form of government is a fascinating one, and one that I believe in.
在我们做对比(相同&不同点)的描述时,都可以用到以上几种句型。在套用句型的时候也要注意用词的精准和多样性。比如,很多娃在写作的时候经常用的一些词(eg: enjoy, happy, reveal…) 都可以用一些其他好词来替换。下面我们来看几个example感受一下吧!
Relish (v.): to enjoy
Eg: Tracy always relish his bedtime snack.
Indigent (adj.): very poor
Eg: I’d rather donate money to help the indigent population than to the city.
Reveal = portray = depict (v.): make known to other / to illustrate
eg: The portrayal of local racism is vividly depicted throughout the article.
--Luyi老师原创 温哥华环球雅思