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Describe a preparation you did for a happy event
好吧,我必须承认happy event可能不是每天都有,更不会每天都准备,
Describe a wedding you attended
Describe a trip you had with your friends
Describe a party you attended
Describe a celebration you had
when: last year, summer time, weather was great for doing outdoor activity
where: school, football pitch
event: the 60th anniversary of our high school founding
celebration content: 1, students’s talent shows (singing, dancing, magic trick); 2, the speech given by our headmaster; 3, the VCR of our school’s history
I was doing a lot of preparing job for this celebration, because I was the host!
The first step is to make sure the student’s talent show was ready! it contains …
The second step is to help the headmaster get ready for his speech, which is about …
The last part is really important, because I needed to do a monologue for introducing the school’s history to a short video…