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亲耐的烤鸭们,还记得《那些年我们常见的语法错误part1》嘛~今天我们不见不散,迎来part 2!!!
指代不清主要讲的是代词与被指代的人或物关系不清,或者先后所用的代词不一致。比如:Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted her to be her bridesmaid.
读完上面这一句话,我就很“方”(黑人问好脸:) ) 因为无法明确地判断两位姑娘中谁将结婚,谁将当伴娘。如果我们把句子中引起误解的代词所指代的对象加以明确,意思就一目了然了。
这个句子可改为:Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted my sister to be her bridesmaid.
这个错误的出现受中文意识的影响很大。很多考生在写句子时,句子之间缺乏有效的连接成分。甚至,有的句子写的比较中式化,也就是我们经常说的chinglish。比如:There are many ways we get to know the outside world.
分析:这个句子包含了两层完整的意思:“there are many ways”以及“we get to know the outside world”。But! However! 但是!(Nicole老师又要敲黑板了啊)简单地把它们连在一起就不妥当了。
改为:There are many ways for us to learn about the outside world. 或:There are many ways through which we can become acquainted with the outside world.
烤鸭们在写作中没有养成良好的推敲,斟酌句子中所选用词的习惯。大部分考生随心所欲拿来就用,所以作文中用词不当的错误随处可见。比如:The increasing use of chemical obstacles in agriculture also makes pollution.
分析:显然,考生把obstacles“障碍”,“障碍物”误作substance“物质”了。另外“the increasing use(不断增加的使用)”应改为“abusive use(滥用)”。
改为:The abusive use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes/leads to pollution.
比如:In spite of the fact that he is lazy, I like him. 本句的“the fact that he is lazy”同谓语从句,我们按照上述“能用词组的不用从句“的原则可以改为:In spite of his laziness, I like him.
再比如:For the people who are diligent and kind, money is just the thing to be used to buy the thing they need. 整个句子可以大大简化为:Diligent people use money only to buy what they need.
-- Nicole Mu