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2.10号的雅思大作文考了一道问法非常奇怪的题目:“People predicted in last century that the life in 21st century will be more convenient and people will have more free time due to development of science and technology. To what extent do you think these predictions have come true?”下面我们就来看看这道考题的解析吧!
1. 审题的灵活性
在审题时,同学们首先要判断题目的题型,从而决定整篇文章的写法。这道题目属于Argumentative类题型,即题目中有一方观点,让考生阐述自己的立场。同学们比较熟悉的这类题型的问法是“To what extent do you agree or disagree?”,“Do you think it is a positive or negative development?”和“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?”然而,10号的这道考题画风轻奇,问的是“To what extent do you think these predictions have come true?”(多大程度上你认为这些预测已经成为了现实?)。乍一看这是一种新的题型,但意思和“To what extent do you agree or disagree?”是一样的,都是在问考生是否认同题目中的这个观点,只不过在论述时语言表达不同,把“I agree (disagree) with the opinion”变为“I think these predictions have (not) come true”。这次的题目告诉我们,尽管有些题目不是平时我们所熟悉的问法,但是大家要能做到灵活地理解题目,还原到课堂上讲解过的写法。
2. Predictions have come true: technology brings us more free time
(1)科技的发展提高了人们的出行效率,从而有更多的闲暇时间(The development of technology enhances individuals’ travel efficiency and thereby allows them to have more leisure time)。交通的普及(the popularity of automobile, airplane and rail)节约了人们的通勤时间(save time on commuting),因此人们能够把更多的时间花在休息和旅游上(spent more time on relaxing and traveling)。
(2)科技的普及(the proliferation of technology)让人们可以更有效地完成工作(enhance/boost working efficiency immeasurably),休闲时间更多。一方面,广泛使用计算机(a widespread use of computers/computerization),由于其多功能(marvellous and comprehensive functions)和准确性(accuracy),人们能够准确快速地完成任务(accomplish the task quickly and perfectly),花更少的时间在工作上,有更多机会享受休息的时间;另一方面,自动化(automation)实现了用智能系统完成工作,解放劳动力,让人们有更多的机会休息(assembly lines equipped with the intelligent system can not only accomplish the repetitive and laborious task of production, but also improve productivity)。
3. Predictions have not come true: technology does not bring us more free time
(1)新科技的产生加快了工作节奏(accelerate/speed up the pace of working),人们需要不断地接受教育和在职培训(continue education and receive on-the-job training)以适应新科技带来的变化(keep pace with the fast development of technology), 人们因此更加繁忙(be more occupied with acquiring information and knowledge from technological devices),占用了休息的时间。
(2)电脑和因特网的产生让人们在正常工作时间之外也可以工作(work beyond normal working hours):电讯工具有可携带和可连接网络的特点(telecommunication tools are portable and connected to network),因此可能会让人们牺牲放松的时间(sacrifice time for entertainment),随时随地工作(work anytime and anywhere);科技的发展促进全球化(accelerate globalization),人们需要加班工作以消除时差的影响(have to work overtime due to time difference),和其他国家的同事和客户联系(communicate with colleagues and clients from overseas)。
随着因特网技术出现(with the advent of the Internet technology),利用(take advantage of),科技的创新(technological innovations/inventions/advances/progressions),重新塑造我们的生活(reshape our life),尖端的技术(cutting-edged technology),提高生产力/效率(enhance/boost productivity/efficiency),解放劳动力liberate workforce/labor force;节约劳动力/代替劳动力的机器(labor-saving/labor-replacing machinery);增长迅速的电子商务(burgeoning e-commerce)
Lily老师原创 温哥华环球雅思学校