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今天,Xin老师来给大家解一道口语鬼畜题:An occasion you are not allowed to use your cellphone。

At a restaurant

You know the guy. He keeps the cell phone poised next to the water glass, periodically scrolling through his incoming messages, or worse, picks up the phone in the middle of a meal

In the gym

Many of us look at the gym as a desperately needed to get away from our busy office and noisy lives. But just when we are getting in the groove, some people inevitably whips out(拿出)the cell phone in the stretching area, on the treadmill(跑步),  or even, as I once experienced, in the sauna. My gym has signs posted asking members not to use cell phones in certain areas

In bed

You would think this goes without saying. You would be wrong. Even if there’s nothing more exciting than sleep happening in your bed (which is pretty exciting, actually), you might want to put the cell phone out of reach. Do you have bags(眼袋) under your eyes or dark circles(黑眼圈)?Do you not feel up to the challenge of facing each day with a smile because you are too tired? If your lack of energy is due to the extensive mobile use at night, you know what the solution is — turn it off, put it on vibrate(调成震动), or put it on silent

On a bus or train

Obviously, there are cases in which information needs to be conveyed while we are traveling. If a text or a non-vocal communication like email won’t do the trick(起作用), a brief call in low tones wouldn’t seem to be much of a problem, unless there are rules stating otherwise. But carrying on as if there’s no one else on the bus but you – nobody reading, napping, or perhaps just not interested in the details of your latest sales report – is rude and obnoxious(讨厌的)

When Someone is Talking to You

Nowadays, people have stopped valuing the importance of face-to-face conversation. They rather text or chat with their friends than call them over to hang out. If by chance they do call them over, their friends including themselves will be glued to their mobile phones.

While You are at a Job Interview

If you use your mobile phone at the job interview, chances are that you will not nail the interview or get the job.What is your top priority(头等大事) here? Impressing the interviewers or updating your status about sitting in the room with them?

While Driving

This type of situation is somewhat obvious, as it is kind of a law to not text or call while driving. Just in 2012, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration reported that 3,328 people died while 421,000 suffered injuries

While Eating Food

You are forbidden to do two things while eating food, chew with your mouth open and use your mobile phone.

Both things are considered against proper etiquettes(礼仪) to do at breakfast, lunch, dinner, or anytime you break bread with someone.

When you are out for the purpose of experiencing life

These days, the meaning of life is lost on most people, as according to some, the meaning of life is found in their mobile phones. Go to the park, the mall, or to an event and count the number of people that you see using their mobile phones

During a Date

Never ever, use your mobile phone on a date. It is against the rules of dating, and your date will most certainly spread the word about how rude you were. If you answer a call or text during a date, do not be shocked when your date makes an excuse to ditch you(临时跑路) and go home.

-- By Xin





Richmond 地址: 4000 No.3 Rd., Unit 3190, Richmond, BC V6X 0J8 电话: 604-285-2928, 778-986-7029 具体位置: No.3 & Cambie (Aberdeen Square三楼) 地图查询

Burnaby 地址: 4800 Kingsway, Unit 468, Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 电话: 604-336-6768, 778-986-7029 具体位置: Metrotown商场内Office Galleria(大统华门口电梯直达四楼) 地图查询