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正在准备12年级童鞋们,我们今天一起来看一小段诗歌分析。诗歌出自于Dylan Thomas写给自己父亲的一首诗。我们来看一下对第一个stanza的分析。

Do not Go Gentle into that Good Night

By Dylan Thomas

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Lines 1-3

1   The speaker addresses an unknown listener, telling him not to "go gentle into that goodnight."

2   At first this is a puzzling metaphor but, by the end of line 3, we realize that the speaker is using night as a metaphor for death: the span of one day could represent a man's lifetime, which makes the sunset his approaching demise.

3   "That good night"is renamed at the end of line 2 as the "close of day," and at the end of line 3 as "the dying of the light." It's probably not an accident that the metaphor for death keeps getting repeated at the end of the lines,either. Or that the two rhyming words that begin the poem are "night" and "day."

4   So what does the speaker want to tell us about death? Well, he thinks that old men shouldn't die peacefully or just slip easily away from this life. Instead, they should "burn and rave," struggling with a fiery intensity.

The word "rave" in line 2 connects with the repeated "rage" at the beginning of line 3, uniting anger, power,madness, and frustration in a whirlwind of emotion.

--Luyi老师原创 温哥华环球雅思





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Burnaby 地址: 4800 Kingsway, Unit 468, Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 电话: 604-336-6768, 778-986-7029 具体位置: Metrotown商场内Office Galleria(大统华门口电梯直达四楼) 地图查询