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9月份有同学在雅思口语part2考到了关于a good parent的题目:
Describe a good parent you know.
You should say:
Who the parent is
How you know the parent
What the parent looks like
And explain why you think the parent is good.
看到这道题目,有的同学可能会想说自己的父母,但是这样做的话第三个问题“how you know the parent”就会不好展开。因此,大家可以采取“现实”和“虚幻”相结合的方式,把自己父母好的一面换成别人的父母来说。
首先,我虚构了一个人物sherry,她是我高中很好的朋友,经常和我说起她有一个好妈妈。Off the top of my head, I’d like to talk about the mother of a good friend of mine called Sherry. Her mother issuch an appropriate person on this topic because Sherry keeps on saying proudly that she has the best mom in the world.
其次,我和Sherry放学经常一起回家,在路上会聊起彼此的父母。Sherry and I were classmates in high school. Since we lived quite near to each other, we went home together everyday after class and we never stopped chatting on our way. Before I met her mother in person, I had heard of her a thousand times because Sherry talked about her mother all the time and always said that she was so fortunate to be her daughter.
然后,她妈妈的长相并没有什么特别之处。And regarding what her mother looks like, to be honest, there is nothing special about her appearance. Sherry’s mother is a middle-aged woman, who always ties her hair in a bun and smiles from ear to ear. On top of that, she wears gold-rimmed glasses, which makes her look very knowledgeable.
她妈妈是一个好家长因为她非常支持和鼓励Sherry。As a good parent, Sherry’s mom is indeed supportive of her daughter. Every time Sherry is in trouble, her mom always stands by her and provides her with helpful guidance. Last year, Sherry was in a dilemma to decide whether to learn business or music in university. Many Chinese parents ask their children to choose the former major because it is easier for the children to hunt a job in the future. However, Sherry’s mom realized that her daughter had talent in music and encouraged Sherry to pursue what she was passionate about in university.
最后,升华一下好家长的重要性。So in my opinion, good parents never make decision for their children or force them to do what they dislike. Instead, they always support their children and respect their decisions. In doing so, they can help their children achieve a better development and establish a harmonious relationship with them.
--Lily Li 温哥华环球雅思学校