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最近很多十年级的童鞋问我 “老师,SAT阅读为什么那么难?除了单词看不懂,这结构也很奇怪,我读不懂”. 那今天,Luyi老师就来和大家分析下SAT阅读“三部曲”来帮助大家理解SAT的阅读文章。
1.US and World Literature: 1 passage; 10-11 questions
2.History / Social Studies: 2 passages or 1 passage and 1 paired-passage set; 10-11 questions each
3.Science: 2 passages OR 1 passage and 1 paired-passage set; 10-11 questions each
US and WORLD literature passages
-Multiple characters and multiple opinions
-The tone will be nuanced (微妙的) and emotion-based (not informative or explanatory)
1.Identify the characters
2.Assess the characters’ opinions of each other
3.Identify the themes of the story (any turning points/ is there a moral to the story)
History/Social Studies Passages
-Clear topic, a well-defined scope, and a specific purpose
-At least one primary source passage that uses antiquated language
1.Identify the topic and scope of the passage (topic and scope are usually found in the first paragraph)
2.Identify the topic sentence of each paragraph
3.Summarize the purpose of the passage
Science passage
-Contain a lot of jargon and technical terms (上过英语课的童鞋应该马上可以pick up “jargon”的意思吧 – 术语!)
-Utilize unfamiliar terms and concepts
1.Locate the central idea in the first paragraph
2.Note how each paragraph relates to the central idea (does the paragraph explain /support/refute/summarize?)
3.Unfamiliar terms will generally be defined within the passage or in a footnote.
好了,那在看完我们阅读三部曲之后,Luyi老师还要告诉大家的是: SAT阅读不必担心题目中的词汇问题。因为,大部分与单词有关的问题都会在上下文的描述中加以解释说明。如果,大家还有任何与SAT阅读有关的问题,欢迎大家联系我们。
Quote for the day:
“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others”. By the beautiful Audrey Hepburn
This is why we are here; ready to give you the other hand. All the best luck, my dears!
--Luyi Feng