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“TheOlympic Game or the World Cup football game is a major international sporting event and the opportunity to host this event is keenly contested by many countries.In your opinion, what are the major benefits and drawbacks of hosting an international sporting event such as the Olympic Games?”




1. 政策(enact laws, establish policies);

2. 经济(promote economic development, generate financial income);

3. 文化(inherit, publicize culture);

4. 教育(eliminate illiteracy, skilled workforce);

5. 安全(maintain security and stability);

6. 民生(improve living standard, infrastructure construction)。

其次,这道题目的问法是“what are the major benefits and drawbacks”,属于观点类题型。同学们既可以只讨论举办国际体育赛事的优点和缺点,也可以明确表明自己的立场,比如各有利弊/利大于弊/弊大于利。需要注意的是,同学们需要完整地回答作文题目,利弊都要讨论。另外,如果题型是“In your opinion, do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks?”,必须要有明确的立场:利大于弊/弊大于利。


1. 增强基础设施建设:Improve the host city’s infrastructure construction. For example, in order to satisfy the needs of transportation for hosting sporting events, a wide range of facilities will be rebuilt and updated, including roads, highways, railways and public transit, which provides the city with a more comprehensive and efficient transportation system.

2. 宣传本国文化,促进文化多样性:A golden opportunity to display and publicize the culture of the host country and promote cultural diversity.

3. 激发运动热情:Arouse the public’s passion for sport, thereby encouraging individuals to participate in physical exercises.

4.运动精神:The spirits conveyed though sporting events can positively educate people, such as teamwork and persistence.

5. 增加收入:Generate financial income for the host country from various aspects, such as gate receipts and souvenir sales.

6. 爱国精神:Enhance citizens’ patriotism and national pride.


1.占用本应花在解决民生问题的支出:The enormous expense might occupy the financial expenditure which should be spent on improving people’s livelihood.

2. 浪费人力和物力:It is a waste of human and material resources because many venues and facilities are likely to be left unused after the end of those sporting events.

3. 破坏环境:Due to a massive influx of visitors, the natural environment of the host city will be destroyed, thus decreasing the living standard of local people.

在近几年的考试中,雅思大作文也考过类似的题目,比如“Holding Olympic Games has positive effects. Others believe it is too money-consuming and the government should spend that money on other areas. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.”和“Some people say the Olympic Games do not have a role to play in the 21st century. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”虽然问法不尽相同,但是观点和写法是相近的,同学们可以多多积累。

-- By Lily Li, 温哥华环球雅思





Richmond 地址: 4000 No.3 Rd., Unit 3190, Richmond, BC V6X 0J8 电话: 604-285-2928, 778-986-7029 具体位置: No.3 & Cambie (Aberdeen Square三楼) 地图查询

Burnaby 地址: 4800 Kingsway, Unit 468, Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 电话: 604-336-6768, 778-986-7029 具体位置: Metrotown商场内Office Galleria(大统华门口电梯直达四楼) 地图查询