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很多高中学生都担心自己到底还要在ESL呆多久。Luyi老师也遇到过很多学生为自己到底什么时候可以变成一个regular而担忧。那这篇文章会直击一大ESL语法痛点的写作问题。不论是ESL,还是雅思写作学生都会犯的一个错误,来给大家做个纠正。从点滴提高写作水平。我们来看下这个语法点英文大名: Dangling Modifier
- Dangling modifier is any word or phrase that changes the meaning of (or modifies)another word or phrase since modifiers often appear in introductory clauses(phrases that appear before the main clause of a sentence). Dangling modifiersare most commonly found in this part of the sentence.
意思是悬挂式修饰!我们在写作的时候有时把修饰词放在主句的前面(也就是非主句的那句dependent clause) 而让句子有了错误的意思。
Hoping to garner favor, my parents were sadly unimpressed with the gift.
Problem: 这是一句典型的dangling modifier 因为在这个句子中我们不知道是谁或什么“was hoping to garner favor”. “parents”不怎么可能“ we're hoping to garner favor”, since they wouldn't have given an unimpressive gift to themselves.
Correction:这个句子可以添加一个适当的主语来形容谁“was hoping to win over the parents”.
- Hoping to garner favor, my new boyfriend brought my parents a gift that sadly unimpressed them.
错误句-- Hoping to excuse my lateness, the note was written and given to my teacher.
改正-- Hoping to excuse my lateness, I wrote a note and gave it to my teacher.
After reading the thought-provoking book, the film based on it is sure to be exciting.