


首页 > 雅思备考



大作文:there is therefore no any longer need for museums, agree or disagree?

小作文: 线图,four countries’ food imported by China的分别数据


题型:main idea 段落选择,填空题,判断,人名配对

P1芭蕾舞起源和历史,P2农业种植技术, P3科学研究-地理相关的理论


Describe an experience you went to a supermarket, when &why

Describe an experience that you saved money, why and how do you feel

Describe a holiday that far away from home

Describe a good service

Describe a thing that helps you to concentrate on sleep

Describe a party you enjoyed

Describe your favorite wild animal

Describe an important river in your country

Describe a period of history that you’re interested

Describe a job that you want to do in the future

Describe an outdoor activity that you didn’t spend a lot of money

Describe a friend in your childhood

Describe a story that makes you impressed

Describe a toy

Describe an advertisement that impressed you a lot

Describe the time you change your plan

Describe a competition you would like to take part in


S1 Health center报名,表格题,选择和填空题

S2 不同种类的博物馆活动, 配对题

S3 表格填空题

S4 澳大利亚口音,表格填空题






Richmond 地址: 4000 No.3 Rd., Unit 3190, Richmond, BC V6X 0J8 电话: 604-285-2928, 778-986-7029 具体位置: No.3 & Cambie (Aberdeen Square三楼) 地图查询

Burnaby 地址: 4800 Kingsway, Unit 468, Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 电话: 604-336-6768, 778-986-7029 具体位置: Metrotown商场内Office Galleria(大统华门口电梯直达四楼) 地图查询