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Argumentativequestion: Advertising discourages people from being differentindividual by making them look the same. Do you agree or disagree?
The flooding of advertisements in our daily lives isoften rumored to stifle the heterogeneous growth of human intelligence. Still,my understanding is that advertising has only limited effect on manipulatingpeople’ perceptions and ideologies, so contemporaries do not look quite thesame.
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In the first place, people do not havesufficient time to read commercial advertisement. Under insurmountable pressurein this neoliberal age, adults tend to be preoccupied with earning highersalaries and climbing the social ladder, thus paying less attention to suchtrivia as advertisements. Even though contemporaries seem to havewider channels to be informed by publicity such as using cellphones oraccessing print media, how these advertising information may impact on people’sbuying behavior or shopping mentality is still to be determined.
分论点2 + 本分论点的支持句
Second, it is clear that publicadvertisements which are intended to promote public welfare have not reachedtheir aims of unifying people’s actions. Basically, such publicity does nothave clear mandate to mobilize societal members, resulting in the lack ofpublic engagement. Indeed, public action to promote social good/benefits ispresupposed by a good understanding of social implications of publicadvertisements. For example, people would not make donations to a givencharitable organization if the purposes of an advertisement proposal are poorlyarticulated.
分论点3 + 本分论点的支持句
It is true that youngsters tend to be underthe influence of commercial advertisements. For example, they would dressthemselves similar to those celebrities whose apparels are advertised stylish.Still, it is worthy to note the growing critical awareness of young people;there is a trend that they act as iconoclasts, displaying agency to cherishalternative identities and ideologies.
Overall, my argument is that although we couldnot deny the potential impact advertisements have on either people’s purchasingbehavior or their engagements in social public welfare, people especiallyyoungsters are gradually developing their critical awareness to judgeunderlying assumptions of advertisements before they take actions.
--Simon Zhang