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Matching题分两种。选项多于题干型以及题干多于选项型。无论做哪一种,在预测时都应通读问题及所有选项,找出关键词后,可以进行猜题,按照逻辑和问题类型分辨有可能的答案。在做题时还要紧跟路标词(e.g.to start with, and then, afterwards, now I am going to move on to…etc.)保证不掉队。

1. 选项多于干型:选项一般是题干的解释说明,是同义替换的重点。建议在读选项时进行相似项的归纳,找出区分点,以便迅速解题。在做题时一定要注意只有听到了和选项意思完全相同时才可确定答案,若是仅仅听到其中一个关键词,一定要理解性的听下去,确定不是干扰才可以选。

我们以剑11T4S2为例,在读选项时,就应注意到A (wasgiven by one person), C includes some items given by members of the public)和D includes some items given by the artists)结构相似,只是供应方不一样。这时就应做好供应items的这些人的替换,one person很有可能会给一个具体人名,members of the public说明是普通人,而artists也有可能会给人名。果然,在15题讲coins的时候就听到many of them were discoveredby ordinary people diggingtheir gardens, and donated to the museum! 此时就应毫不犹豫地选择 C。而在16题porcelain and glass 时我们会听到was left to the museum by its founder And in the terms of his will, we’re not allowed to add anything to thatcollection,是的此时我们就直接写A啦。


2. 题干多于选项型

  • 常常题干有分类,一般选项为三个,需要重复。

  • 给出对某些事物的不同看法,根据说话人的语态,表述以及言下之意作出选择。

  • 重点注意条件(if,     in case, provided that …)和虚拟语气的用法。

看以剑8T3S3这一例,问题27-30是4个不同课程(Module),而三个短小的选项A Hewill do thisB He might do thisC He won’t do this表明了speaker对选课的看法。所以做题时就应做好准备要听说话者的言下之意和想法的转变。比如在讲27 Gender Studies in LatinAmerica时,说话者用了虚拟表示对现状的否定“If it was to do withpeople in the villages rather than those in the public sphere, Iwould”,听到If it wasI would就应警觉他不想选此课(他对people in the public sphere没兴趣),故选C.而讲到29 Indigenous Women’s Lives时说话者先说thought so too, butI looked at last year’s exam questions and that changed my mind.表示不想选,但是经过另一方的说服(Don’t judge the value ofthe course on that. Maybe, talk to some other students first and wecan talk about it again later)说话者okay妥协,于是我们就应该选B.

另,由于matching题量有时候较大,普遍存在miss答案的现象。发现漏听千万别慌,专注听下一题因为两题经常答案很近。错失一个总比一片好吧?好了,希望烤鸭们都能findyour “perfect match”! :-P






Richmond 地址: 4000 No.3 Rd., Unit 3190, Richmond, BC V6X 0J8 电话: 604-285-2928, 778-986-7029 具体位置: No.3 & Cambie (Aberdeen Square三楼) 地图查询

Burnaby 地址: 4800 Kingsway, Unit 468, Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 电话: 604-336-6768, 778-986-7029 具体位置: Metrotown商场内Office Galleria(大统华门口电梯直达四楼) 地图查询