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   近期雅思A类和G类大作文考了不少次教育类的话题。今天,Lily老师想为大家解析一下7月8号G类大作文真题:“Some people say that the children under 10 years old should have the same courses during education. Some others say that they should have the courses which they like. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.”

   这道题目和A类大作文的一道题目类似:“Some people think that students should pay equal attention to all subjects. Others argue they should only pay attention to the subject they are interested in or best for. Discuss both and give your own opinion.”都是关于课程的选择是应该注重广泛(generalization)还是专一(specialization),但是区别在于G类的这道题目限定了学生的年龄(under 10 years old),以及加入了学生的学习兴趣这一角度。

   认为应该学习相同课程的同学可以这样展开观点:“Learning the same courses is beneficial for young children to lay a solid foundation for their study. Teenagers might lack the capacities to find out the courses that will serve their purposes in later education and career. Therefore, through learning the same courses required by schools, students can not only acquire necessary knowledge in basic courses, but also expand their outlook and explore their potentials for the future.”。

   认为应该按照孩子兴趣来学习的同学可以这样写:“However, educators should be aware of the fact that children have different characteristics and abilities. As the old-saying goes, interest is the best teacher. Learning with personal interests enables young kids to concentrate on certain subjects and gain specialized knowledge and skills more efficiently. Otherwise, if students are forced to learn courses which they are not passionate about, they are easily get frustrated and distracted in learning processes.”。

   请同学们注意,每一个阶段的教育都是为了之后的学习和工作打基础。因此如果题目中出现“young children”或者“elementary school”,那么在写作的时候就可以思考一下为高中做铺垫;同理,高中的学习是为了大学做铺垫,大学的学习是为了将来找工作做铺垫。在教育这一领域中,政府、学校、老师、学生和家长都扮演着重要的角色。总之,教育类是雅思写作一个很重要的话题,包含了教育的功能、课程设置、应该学习理论知识还是实践技能、学习的方式是individual study还是group study、应不应该必修艺术/国际新闻等等。很多观点都是可以通用的,希望同学们可以多多积累,灵活运用。

--LiLy老师原创 温哥华环球雅思学校





Richmond 地址: 4000 No.3 Rd., Unit 3190, Richmond, BC V6X 0J8 电话: 604-285-2928, 778-986-7029 具体位置: No.3 & Cambie (Aberdeen Square三楼) 地图查询

Burnaby 地址: 4800 Kingsway, Unit 468, Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 电话: 604-336-6768, 778-986-7029 具体位置: Metrotown商场内Office Galleria(大统华门口电梯直达四楼) 地图查询