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Describe a company ororganization.
You should say:
1) What functions it has;
2) How big it is;
3) What it consists of;
And how people feel aboutit.
这道题目大家也许感到有些熟悉,因为在备考的时候可能遇见过内容相似的题目,比如Describe a large company you know. You should say: 1)What the company is; 2) Where you heard it; 3) What kind of interestingactivities it has; And explain why you think it is interesting. 还有Describe a smallsuccessful company. You should say: 1) What company it is; 2) What it does; 3)How you got to know about this company; And explain why you think this companyis successful. 都是关于公司或者组织的题目,意味着可以进行话题合并,使用共通的素材。
说到公司或者组织,大家脑海中会反应出很多国际知名的大型公司,比如Apple, Google, Amazon, McDonald’s,或者是中国的本土公司,比如Alibaba,Baidu, Huawei。下面,先让我们来看一看关于这类话题有哪些可以经常使用到的单词和词组:
World-class 世界级的, multinational 跨国的,corporation=company 公司, famous=well-known=notable=renowned 有名的, operation 运营, retail stores 零售商店, customer-oriented以消费者为中心的, sales and profits 销售额和利润, establish=found 成立, principles andmission 原则和使命, be devoted to sth. = devote oneself to sth. 致力于, be committed tosth.= make a commitment to sth. 承诺做某事, acquire/establish/gain a unique reputation 赢得独一无二的名声, bring convenienceand entertainment to people’s lives 为人们的生活带来便利和娱乐, after-sales service 售后服务。
说到组织,大家可能会想到InternationalCommittee of the Red Cross 国际红十字会, World Trade Organization (WTO) 世界贸易组织, World HealthOrganization (WHO) 世界卫生组织等等。温哥华同样有很多组织,比如Lily之前在MOSAIC做过志愿者,这是一个由政府资助的、旨在帮助新移民和难民融入加拿大文化和生活的组织(government-supported, be aimed to serve immigrant,newcomer and refugee communities in Greater Vancouver)。还有一些同学可能参加过由NGO(Non-GovernmentalOrganization 非政府组织)领导的活动。再次拿我本人举例(sorry for the repetition😂),Lily曾经参加过LearningEnterprises这个NGO组织的支教活动,目的是为了普及英语学习,促进文化交流(go to less-developed countries where there are demandsfor English instructions and promote multicultural communication)。希望同学们能够想一想,有哪个组织是你所熟悉的,或者是你曾经参加过活动的,准备好自己的素材。
对于这道题目,Lily选择的是UNESCO (UnitedNations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织)。在回答“What functions ithas”这个问题时,我们可以说“Well, speaking off the top of my head (说到我脑海中想到的第一件事), Iwould like to talk about UNESCO, which is the abbreviation (简写) for United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It is a specialized agency (专门机构) of the UnitedNations system and its headquarters (总部) is located in Paris, France. UNESCO is aimed tocreate the conditions for dialogue among civilizations (文明), cultures andpeoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values. On the top of that (除此之外), theorganization is committed to advocating global cooperation to achieve sustainabledevelopment (可持续发展) for all human beings, through encompassingobservance of human rights and the alleviation (消除) of poverty (贫困) and illiteracy (文盲).”
在回答“How big it is”时,可以说“UNESCO has gaineda worldwide reputation, with approximately 200 countries and regions involved.”在回答“Whatit consists of”时,可以说“It is governed by the General Conference, which isheld every two years and the Executive Board, which assures the overallmanagement of the organization.” 最后,在回答“How people feel about it”时,可以说这个组织受到了人们的信赖(winthe trust),人们很感激该组织对于世界的发展做出的卓越贡献等等(People do appreciate its outstanding contributions tothe world development)。因为这是Part 2的题目,大家不要忘记把这四个sub questions的答案融合成一段1-2分钟的自我陈述哦~
由于part 3的问题通常和part 2相关,大家在看到part 2问的是关于公司或组织的内容,那么就要思考一下,接下来的part 3可能会问到如下问题:“Which job/company/organization is the most popular inyour home country?” “Is it easy to hunt a job in your country?” “Should youngpeople work for others or run their own business” ...
希望这篇解析能够对大家有所帮助。总而言之,希望大家经常关注最近的题目,查漏补缺,准备好自己的素材,Always be prepared!
--Lily老师 温哥华环球雅思学校