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Describe something you enjoy doing with an old person in your family

You should say:

What it is

How often you do it

Who you do it with

Why you enjoy doing it with this person


所以接下来,我带大家去一趟我的童年,讲讲那些年,我和外婆逛过的公园。在我讲之前,我想先请大家看一遍题目,确定好你自己想讲的那件事。 特别是请大家看看最后的那个问题:“你问什么喜欢和这个人干这件事?”请注意,它跟“你为什么喜欢干这件事”截然不同。


1. What it is

The thing I am going to talk about is taking a walk in a park. There is this river beach park called Si Mei Tang that I often went to when I was in primary school. It's closed to my grandparents' place and there will always be lots of senior people doing morning exercise there, such as jogging or doing Tai Chi, which is a Chinese Gong Fu.

如果大家注意看的话,你会发现,我并没有在开头直接回答“Whoyou do it with”。但因为在描述事件类的时候,很难把时间、地点、人物分开来说,所以不习惯这样卖关子的同学,也可以将提示问题结合到一起回答,并不用严格按照题目所给的顺序。

2. How often you do it

When I was in primary school, I spent most of my weekends at my grandparents' place, sometimes summer or winter vacations, too.  Anyway, whenever I lived there, I would always start or end my day going there. So I would say I went there around once per week back then. However, since I came here, I rarely do that any more.Maybe once or twice a year?


3. Who you do it with

As for who I go there with, well, I bet you have guessed it, my grandma, of course. Hmm, actually not just her, my grandpa would be there too, and also their lovely dog, Pudding. However, my grandpa and Pudding have left us, so now there would just be my grandma and I. Hmmm, but still, we have never enjoyed it less since it is just so refreshing and relaxing.  

转折问题的时候,可以用Asfor, With regard to, Moving on to这样的词语作为转折。当然了,这类的转折词在讲故事的时候,要学会在适当的地方运用,才不会显得生硬。但不管是哪一类话题,往往在转折到最后一个问题的时候,都是可以用的。例子如上。

4. Why you enjoy doing it with this person


A. 能多跟这个人一起度过一些quality time.

B. 跟他/她一起做这件事情能cheer me up.


Anyway, moving on to the reasons why I love doing it with my grandma, there are literally countless of them. Though the main one will definitely be that I got to spend some time with my grandma. You see, she basically brought me up and she is also my best friend. Even though there is nearly 50 years age gap between us, we can just talk and talk like there is no generation gap.

Besides, she is such an energetic and positive person that I just can't be unhappy around her. Whenever I feel over-stressed due to my intense school life, I will go and have a walk with her, and all of a sudden, everything will just become easy as a pie. What's more, the scenery in the park is just embracing, and my whole body will just melt as soon as I get there.

好了,最后我们可以做一个简短结尾:Yeah, so that is one of the many things I enjoy doing with my grandma, thank you for listening.


--Shiran老师原创 温哥华环球雅思学校





Richmond 地址: 4000 No.3 Rd., Unit 3190, Richmond, BC V6X 0J8 电话: 604-285-2928, 778-986-7029 具体位置: No.3 & Cambie (Aberdeen Square三楼) 地图查询

Burnaby 地址: 4800 Kingsway, Unit 468, Burnaby, BC V5H 4J2 电话: 604-336-6768, 778-986-7029 具体位置: Metrotown商场内Office Galleria(大统华门口电梯直达四楼) 地图查询