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口语话题卡-small business
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Describe a small business that you would like to open
You should say:
What this business would be
Where it would be located
What people you would hire as employees
And explain why you’d like to have this small business.
Sample Answer
It goes without saying that (毫无疑问)future is quite uncertain and almost no one can predict exactly what is waiting for them ahead, however, to some extent (某种程度上) I always believe that our future depends on our plans and actions at present. As a fresh graduate(应届毕业生), I want to become an entrepreneur (创业者) and run a chain of boutique shops selling stylish clothing, dresses and jewelry. This is probably because ever since I was a kid, I have had a great passion for(热爱) designing and sewing pieces of garments(衣服),firstly for my doll and then for real people around me. Gradually, I constantly get more insights into fashion industry and keep me posted with clothes that are in the thing. Although I am currently majoring in(专业) economics instead of fashion designing, I hold a strong belief that my acute business sense(敏锐的商业头脑) and a sincere interest in the clothing business will help me to succeed in the future. Nevertheless, I always have to remind me that opening and running an apparel store(服饰店) is serious business and that I have to put one hundred percent effort in leading it to success as well as get ready to face up to failures. I guess that’s why some people around me wonder why I want to give up the safety of my corporate job with good compensation package(总体待遇) such as steady income(稳定收入), insurance, pension plan, long vacations and the opportunity for rapid promotion(快速晋升) just to become a small business owner. The answer is indeed quite simple for me, which is I want to walk out of my comfort zone(挑战自己), challenge myself in a new business and last but not least, give myself a chance to fulfil my childhood dream(实现儿时的梦想).
Go without saying (that) to be completely obvious or true
To some/a certain/a limited extent (phrase) partly, but not completely
Entrepreneur (noun) someone who uses money to start businesses and make business deals
Garment (noun) a piece of clothing. This word is used especially when talking about the production and sale of clothes
Major in (phrase) to study something as your main subject at college or university
Acute (adj) used for describing the senses and abilities of someone who notices things very quickly and easily
Apparel (noun) a word for clothes, used especially in stores or other businesses
Face up to (something/somebody) to confront with courage someone or something representing a threat or unpleasantness.
Compensation package (phrase) the salary and other benefits that an employee receives
Comfort zone (idiom) a situation or position in which a person feels secure, comfortable, or in control
Fulfill one’s dream (collocation) realize a dream, make dream come true