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很多考思培的学生最大的困扰就是不知道什么样的文章可以达到自己想要的分数。最近,很多考移民类(for Canadian Residency)的学生都需要拿到写作CELPIP 7-8分。今天,老师给大家分享一篇7分范文。
文章题目是一个二选一的信件题 – 社区是否应该保留原有的书店;还是应该新建一个书店。要跟政府写一封建议信,我们来看一下学员的7分范文。
Dear Mayor,
I am writing to indicate my suggestion for why we should keep the old bookstores in our tiny town.
For the three old bookstores, which are historical symbol in our town, they are unique memories in my and most of local residents’ life. To me and my family, it would be better if we could keep the old bookstores due to several reasons. First of all, the old bookstores are located in three different communities which provide convenience for people to get the books they want. In addition, the old store’s owners do not have to worry about that their bookstores might be replaced by the new bookstore in one day. In contrary, More importantly, if we were to build new bookstores, the government might have budget burden.
I am, therefore, voting for the first choice of this survey. I hope that my remarkable memory about the old stores will not be replaced by the new one, and I would like to appreciate your consideration for my survey.
-- Luyi老师原创 温哥华环球雅思学校